As part of Disaster Management Support Programme (DMSP), National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)is monitoring natural disasters viz. flood, cyclone, agricultural drought, landslides, earthquakes and forest fires in near real-time using space and aerial remote sensing-based inputs. NRSC is working in close association with MHA, NDMA, SDMAs, NDRF, CWC, GSI, FSI, etc. in the country for more than two decades towards risk management in India.
A National Meet on “Disaster Risk Management – Trends and Technologies” in association with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is planned during Feb 27 – 28, 2023 at HICC, Hyderabad . This national meet is planned towards promoting space technology in implementing the Honorable Prime Minister’s 10-point agenda in building disaster resilient country.
This workshop to create awareness and to bring synergy between all the decision makers, DM Officials, stake holders, researchers, and modelers, to understand the latest technological developments in disaster risk management.
To create awareness and to bring synergy between all the decision makers, relief commissioners, disaster management officials and researchers in the country and to understand the advanced technological developments in disaster risk management.
The 2-day national meet is planned towards promoting space technology in implementing the Honourable Prime Minister’s 10 point agenda in building disaster resilient country.

Connecting Disaster Communities
Develop a network of Scientists, Engineers, industry professionals, Academia and universities to work on disaster-related issues

Technological Benefits
Leverage technology to enhance the efficiency of disaster risk management efforts

Capacity Building
Build on local capacity and initiative to enhance disaster risk reduction